The body of a newborn baby was found in a garbage bag in Maraval on Wednesday 04th October 2023.
• Around 6:00am, a man employed with Amalgamated Sanitation Services was collecting garbage along the Saddle Road Maraval, on the northeastern side in a wooden bin, when he observed a hand sticking out of a black garbage bag.
• He further investigated, when he saw the body of a baby.
• The man contacted the police and Asp Brown, W Ag Insp De Gale, Sgt Panchu from the Maraval Police Station responded.
• The D.M.O. also visited the scene, made a pronouncement and ordered the body removed pending a post-mortem.
A similar incident took place In July 2020, when scavengers at a landfill in Claxton Bay found the body of a newborn baby in a brown cardboard box.