Convicted prisoner Marlon Hope died over the weekend after years of medical complications.
• Hope was a cancer patient who had been ailing for some time and reportedly had other medical complications.
• On Friday 26th April, 2019, hope and his co-accused Nigel Charles were slapped with 14 years and 11 months in prison with hard labour for the 2006 murder of burger-cart owner Harry Chatoor, of St. John’s Village, near San Fernando.
• Justice Hayden St. Clair-Douglas handed down the sentence in the San Fernando High court after a guilty verdict was delivered by a jury in April of that year, in accordance with the murder-felony rule.
• Chatoor and his family were asleep at their home when Hope and Charles entered and robbed them of cash, jewellery and electronics. Chatoor was shot and died three weeks later at the hospital.