See TTPS’S press statement:
September 11th, 2022
$200,000 Bail for Cocoyea Woman for Uttering Forged Documents
A Cocoyea woman was granted $200,000 bail with surety and was ordered to appear before a Port of Spain magistrate to answer to three counts of Possession of Forged Documents and two counts of Uttering a Forged Document.
ALICIA TRICIA RYCE, 31, of Corner Findhorn and Forest Avenue, Cocoyea appeared before Justice of the Peace Stephen Young and will appear before the Magistrate on Thursday 6th October, 2022.
She was charged by WPC Gemilla Cupid, of the Anti-Corruption Investigations Bureau on Saturday 10th September,2022.
According to the police report, RYCE uttered two forged Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Ministry of Agriculture Land and Fisheries, Land Management Division, Commissioner of State Lands letters purportedly granting her permission to occupy Ten Acres of state lands situated at Soogrim Trace West, Endeavour.
Quick action by an investigative team led by Inspector Bryon Daniel (legal officer) which included Sgt Baldwin, PC Alleyne and WPC Cupid led to the discovery of a third forged Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Agriculture Land and Fisheries, Land Management Division, Commissioner of State Lands letter found in the possession of the accused.