The Wild, Wild West as Diego Martin (Western Division) accounts for 5 (five) of the weekend murders which happened within less than 24 hours… 7 murders alone took place on Sunday.

See breakdown of the weekend murders:

1. Friday: Darwin Gookool, Laventille (shot).

2. Friday: Omari Sobers Tobago (shot) Wed 12th died on Fri 22nd.

3 Friday: Stephan Edwards, Morvant (shot).

4. Saturday: Rodney Charles, Diamond V’lg San’do (shot).

5,6,7&8. Sunday: 2-year-old Nazim Owen; Marcus “Markie” Noel; Akil Kerron Gloster aka “Crime B”; and Chelsea Julien Diego Martin (shot)

9. Sunday: Cornelius “Prince” Francis Belle Eau Road, Belmont (shot).

10. Sunday: Wint Gabriel Plaisance Road, Mayaro, (stabbed).

11. Sunday: Caleb “Puppy” Mason, Cicada Drive Diego Martin (shot).

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