Heavy rains across several communities, particularly within the Western Division

Heavy rains across several communities, particularly within the Western Division, caused street and flash flooding and some rivers to overflow into the streets.

• The early into mid-morning rains were unforeseen but did cause a major inconvenience to persons, particularly in areas such as Diego Martin, Cocorite, St. James, Morne Coco Road, Maraval, Westmoorings, Mucuarapo road, Wrightson Road, the Queens Park Savannah, Tragarete Road, several parts of Port of Spain, Barrackpore, Penal and Debe.

There were reports of landslides at Carenage, Fort George and Bournes Road in St. James.

According to the MET office, the axis of a most recent tropical wave passed Trinidad and Tobago during the pre-dawn hours this morning.

• “While it was a relatively weak wave, it did produce a few showers and isolated thunderstorms in some areas.”

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