Just ask for the August booster package…
Do you wish to have a “booster package” for your small, medium, or large business?
Don’t hesitate to contact Ian Alleyne @ 294-4081 or Whatsapp him and our advertising agents at 225-4327: 225-3250 or 719-1702.
Your AUGUST booster package includes either a 15 or 30-minute or more if you wish, live promotion of your business, with Ian Alleyne, at your business premises which would remain on all our social media platforms. along with a copy of your own to share with your friends on your own personal Social Media.
This promotion is for the month of August!
Crime Watch has over 1 million Plus YouTube views per month!
Our new platform- ianalleyne.org- registers over 100,000+ views daily. Our Facebook and social media are over 1 million plus followers and we have the largest social media following in Trinidad and Tobago.
Also, our Ian Alleyne App on Android and Apple phones have over 100,000+ users
Ready to showcase your business on the most viewed local television programme? Then the “booster package” is for you.
Hurry and get it now!! this special is only for the month of August!!
You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity!!