An unidentified man was gunned down in Claxton Bay yesterday afternoon.

An unidentified man was gunned down in Claxton Bay yesterday afternoon.

• Around 2:23 pm on Thursday 5th January 2023, several loud explosions were heard at Ocean View Avenue, St John Trace, St Margaret’s, Claxton Bay.
• A resident then made a check and discovered a man lying on the roadway with gunshot injuries about the body.
• A report was made to the St. Margaret’s Police station and Cpl. Baksh in company with PC Seepaul, PC Seecharan, and PC Nelson proceeded to the location.
• Upon arrival officers observed an African male lying face down, who was bareback, clad in long blue jeans, a brown belt, grey boxers, and white Nike shoes.
• ASP Persad, Sgt Elvin, and WPC Dyer-Baptiste of the Homicide Region Three Office visited the scene and conducted inquiries.

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